About Us

Our team of caring, experienced professionals are here to help you every step of the way to create families worldwide. We are currently working with or have worked with intended parents to become families in Canada, USA, Mexico, Israel, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, France, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Argentina, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia, Japan and Nigeria! So far of the Seven Continents… we haven’t had a client yet from Antarctica!
The vast majority of our donors are what we call TRIPLE PROVEN DONORS. What this means is that not only are they successfully medically screened (genetically, mental health/psychological testing/clearance three generation medical history with medical clearance) they are also repeat proven, successful egg donors. Many are also mothers themselves and many have also been surrogates as well! This is one of the main reasons our pregnancy rates are over 80%!
We work first hand with fertility clinics and serve as a liaison for out-of-state and international clinics. We strive to provide exceptional service as we have almost 2 decades of experience in the management and coordination of clients. It is not uncommon for us to have an Intended Parent in Europe, a Surrogate in another country and a donor in the U.S.
Our egg donors are meticulously screened to ensure they are medically and psychologically suitable to donate.
Our Fairy Godmothers’ staff personally interviews via multiple video conference calls and/or in person, every applicant in order to provide intended parents with extensive personal information about the egg donor. Knowing our egg donors and our intended parents personally also greatly assists with the matching process.
In addition to our professional support staff, our team is consists of our President who was the Clinical Director of a fertility clinic for 15 years who during those years ran the egg donor, surrogacy, IVF, IUI, sperm bank and andrology lab. We work with licensed therapists, a third party reproduction lawyers who specializes in Egg Donation, Surrogacy and Adoption law as well as business and technical professionals. Our Fairy Godmother brings 30 years of successful infertility, egg and sperm donation and surrogacy experience serving a diverse and international clientele.
We work with fertility clinics and attorneys all over North America which allows our egg donors to stay in her home town and be with her family and go to work for as long as possible before having to travel to undergo the actual egg retrieval at the intended parents clinic. This way the intended parents attending fertility specialist can control the entire cycle and request the satellite monitoring clinic near the donors home to perform blood tests or ultrasounds and report back to them to minimize how many days the donor may be required to be away from home.
For egg donors, participating in our program is a very gratifying and personal experience. Egg donation provides intended parents the opportunity to have a child that would otherwise have little or no chance of achieving pregnancy. Your donation is a genuine act of kindness that is irreplaceable. We are currently accepting applications from healthy women age 21 – 30 in order to provide a diverse group of donors that potential recipients may choose from. For qualifications and more information on donating, please see our Egg Donor Information page.
If you are interested in our program as a potential recipient, please read through our website so that you can become more familiar with our program beliefs. You may begin by looking through our Recipient Couple Information page. At that time, you may call our office at 1-877-546-4887 x 0 and someone from our staff can discuss with you your unique situation. You may also email us at email and one of our staff can contact you at your convenience, whether it is during the day or after hours.
We are here to help you.