Intended Parents

We would like to thank you for taking the time to look at our program. Choosing an egg donor agency is a very important and often difficult decision. Choosing an egg donor is very personal and can be confusing. It can be wearisome to read through many profiles and look at many pictures while looking for the perfect match. However, it can also be very rewarding and satisfying to find the one donor who stands out above the rest. Our job as an agency is to help alleviate the frustration and allow you to focus on what is important, your pregnancy and growing family. From the moment you phone or email our office, we will strive to be your primary resource. We will be your third-party communicator between your chosen donor, letting you know what she is experiencing while we will also be there for you afterwards, during your pregnancy, cheering you on! Please feel free to call our office at 1-877-240-4351 and we would be happy to tell you more about our program and any of the donors that interest you.
Our intended parents typically are people who are referred to our agency from a wide variety of sources, including infertility clinics, egg donation and surrogacy agencies, and word of mouth.
Our Fairy Godmother offers complete care, guidance, and step-by-step support through every step, from finding a donor to arranging for fertility clinics and specialists. We coordinate insurance, finances, contracts, and every other detail from beginning to end, so you don’t have to. You take care of your treatment, and we take care of the rest. And, our relationship does not end once a pregnancy is achieved. Our Fairy Godmother has maintained many relationships with intended parents even after your baby is born. Like an old friend.
We provide you with an extensive profile and color photograph of each donor so that you may make your initial selection of donors who interest you. If you prefer, we would be pleased to assist you in selecting donors that fit your descriptive profile. Each profile represents not only the donor’s medical and academic background, but her family member’s backgrounds as well.
We pre-screen applicants in order to present you with only the healthiest, intelligent and sound-minded women. We ensure they have the knowledge, commitment, and dedication required to be an egg donor.
Our staff offers guidance and support to you and your egg donor through the entire process, including but not limited to finding a physician, scheduling medical and psychological screenings, financial considerations, coordinating travel, and completing legal contracts. We act as liaisons between you and your selected egg donor in order to provide you the best experience with the least amount of stress.
Overall, your happiness is important to us. Your decisions are personal and confidential and we strive to be the most caring and helpful egg donor agency worldwide.
Please feel free to call our office 1-877-240-4351×0 and we would be happy to tell you more about our program and any of the donors that interest you.
In order to view our secure, confidential donor database, you will need to complete the Becoming an Egg Donor Recipient Profile Form. Once you have completed the form, you will receive a confirmatory email confirming that we have received your application. A short while later you will receive a unique username and password and instructions where to log into the database. This will give you full access to our online database of egg donors. You may view all the donor profiles in the privacy of your home at any time as often as you like. (There are no application or registration fees or hidden charges.). Our database was designed with you in mind. Detailed initial profiles & beautiful color photographs are made available to you in a secured environment. Then we suggest that you choose a quiet time, when you are unhurried, to search our donor database. This is a personal decision, and as such, you should review the profiles carefully & deliberately.
Most recipients and donors desire complete anonymity. However, to help in a decision, some recipients and donors would like to have an opportunity to communicate with each other. Under mutually agreeable circumstances, we can arrange a phone conference which we facilitate and if mutually agreed upon, however a physical meeting can only be conducted by the President of our agency.
Once you arrive at a final decision and select an egg donor that matches your desires, you are ready to finalize the preliminary arrangements. At this point, you must sign our Agency – Client Fee Agreement, and provide us with payment of our Agency Fee Invoice. You will also be provided an Estimate of what the donors expenses you could expect, These donor expense funds are due once your donor has received medical clearance to proceed and at least 7 business days prior to the donor commencing her first medication. They are wired directly to the Escrow account where the funds will be disbursed as per the legal agreements.
Once our agency has been retained, Client Fee Agreement signed and returned and our Agency fee paid, we will arrange for your egg donor to have her screening performed by your fertility clinic which may include additional genetic, physical, psychological and infectious disease. Your clinic will request the tests to be performed. Most screenings can be performed in the donor’s home area although some clinics require the donor to travel to the clinic for a consultation, physical exam, screening and to meet with the nurses. All results that are conducted outside of your fertility clinic will be forwarded to your physician. If your donor has donated in the past, we will also forward copies of her previous stimulation protocol and outcome of her donation.
Once the results are reviewed and both parties are medically cleared by your fertility doctor, you will enter into a contract with the egg donor called Donor Termination of Parental Rights Agreement. This contract will cover issues such as reimbursement, legal obligation of the donor and intended parents, who the eggs and resulting embryos belong to, and other legal considerations.
The donor’s required medications cannot begin until all parties have signed the legal contracts terminating the donor’s parental rights and the intended parents accepting the parental rights, and all funds required for the donor’s expenses are available in the escrow account to pay for her expenses, health insurance, and travel, if necessary.
Your donor will be closely monitored at a fertility clinic. She will undergo ultrasounds and blood work. We will make arrangements for the donor to travel to your area for this procedure. At the appropriate time, she will be instructed to administer her trigger injection. The egg retrieval will take place 36 hours after the injection is given.
Following the retrieval procedure, the donor may need to return to the clinic for a follow-up visit if necessary or have a follow up visit with her primary physician in her area.
Our Fairy Godmother may help you choose a fertility clinic if you do not work with one already. We facilitate by acting as the liaison between the intended parents, the donor, the agency, and the professionals performing the procedures and screening. Our job will be to coordinate the donation process, including the screening process, as directed by your fertility clinics instructions.
We understand that today’s families lead very busy lives; therefore, our office has extended hours so that you may contact us when it is convenient for you. We’re open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm EST. We do provide evening hours by appointment only.
Overall, your happiness is important to us. Your decisions are personal and confidential and we strive to be the most knowledgeable, caring and helpful egg donor agency worldwide!