Becoming a Surrogate

Thank you for considering the gift of becoming a gestational carrier in our program. For some, surrogacy is the last hope for having a baby. Many Intended Parents who are considering surrogacy have tried everything to conceive including exhaustive testing and countless appointments with fertility specialists, resulting in strained relationships.
Some Intended Parents may have children from a previous relationship and some may have required a hysterectomy, yet still want to share the joys of parenting with her current partner. Some Intended Parents are in a same sex gay relationship and the only way they can have a biological child is through egg donation and surrogacy. Some never had a chance because they may have gone through cancer treatments in their teens, twenties or thirties or may have even been born without ovaries and/or a uterus. Through our involvement, we intend on helping all these people create new families.
We are currently accepting applications from healthy women in their childbearing years who have had successful, uncomplicated pregnancies and live births, in order to provide a diverse group of gestational carriers for intended parents worldwide.
If you’re a healthy woman between the age of 25 and 45, who has had at least one healthy, normal pregnancy and a delivery to term, please contact us to conduct a preliminary telephone interview. Gestational Carriers must be willing to complete medical and psychological testing, take a series of injectable medications, and undergo an ultrasound guided transvaginal embryo transfer. You will be asked to fill out an extensive medical and personal profile and to send photos of yourself and your children if you have any. All candidates are treated with the utmost care, respect, and confidentiality.
Becoming a gestational carrier is not something you enter into lightly. It requires a high level of maturity and responsibility, and involves taking a regimen of fertility medications and undergoing a full term pregnancy with possibly a multiple births. As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks—it is the sole responsibility of the surrogate to investigate all risks and discuss all medical issues with your physician.